Bigfoot | Sasquatch | Hairy Man
Bigfoot Evidence=Different names for Bigfoot from around the world & has cool sightings
Lots of <3,
By Amit Patal |
While I was fixing dinner the other night, the Engineer was watching a documentary on Bigfoot. It wasn't the Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot or the best I've ever seen on the subject, but it was definitely entertaining. The documentary, at times, seemed to make fun of the interviewees. This rubbed me the wrong way and not just because we are trying so hard to teach children that bullying and making fun of others is wrong. I mean, how can you tell them it's wrong when they see so many others doing it on a very public level? Had to throw in a rant there.
The real reason it rubbed me the wrong way is at the end of the documentary they basically concluded that there isn't a Bigfoot. I think it's close-minded to say that, and I hope one day they are proven wrong. How can you say there isn't a Bigfoot, plain and simple? It brings up the age-old question: Just because you can't see it, does it mean it doesn't exist?
I'm not writing this post because I want to prove or disprove Bigfoot. I'm writing this for all those people out there who say it can't possibly exist. Why can't it?
Taken from in August of 2013, Cecil Adams writes "NOAA[National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration] estimates 95 percent of the sea remains unexplored. Since the ocean covers 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, that means almost two-thirds of the planet is as mysterious to us as it was in Magellan’s day." This entire article (link below) is so fascinating and filled with facts about our unexplored planet. It goes on to say that it's not just the ocean, Adam says, "By some estimates, even in well-explored regions like the U.S. only 50 percent of caves have been investigated, and worldwide it’s maybe 10 percent." It also explains that a mountain range in Venezuela has hardly been explored. That being said, in 2011, a new species of shark was discovered. Is it really that impossible to believe Bigfoot, which so many people have claimed to see, can't exist?
By R. Nial Bradshaw |
When we go up to the Lake, we love to fish on the dock late at night. This leads to many a drunken night. Not long after we met the neighbors, we were all fishing on their dock and drinking, when our neighbor tells us he saw Bigfoot. What do you say to this, except, "Um, that's cool. How'd that happen?" He went on to describe how him and his friend came across it while hunting, and it scared the living daylights out of them. It was a funny story to think our neighbor, this tall, burly man himself, terrified and running from some large animal. The last time we went up there, they were night-fishing on a barge on the lake and making Bigfoot calls to us on the porch of our lake house. Oh, the memories.
Anyone who would look down on our neighbor for what he believes he saw should re-examine themselves. We make claims of the impossible everyday. One could even say our beliefs in God, Jesus, or any religion, are fictitious. We have no real proof. I think it is because of our ability to believe in religion that we can believe in other things, such as aliens, bigfoot, yeti, vampires, etc.
So, does Bigfoot exist? I don't know, but I found a bunch of great websites that sure do believe. Instead of saying definitely not, how about saying why not?
By JD Hancock |
Bigfoot Evidence=Different names for Bigfoot from around the world & has cool sightings Great article on unexplored earth and new species
Cool Websites on Big foot: reading people's sighting stories Artist
Lots of <3,
Your post is most topical, Jessica. My writers group and I have been speculating a lot about Bigfoot or Sasquatch, as we like to call him. We've put together an anthology of all things Bigfoot that should be out sometime the end of June. One of the writers is also a paranormal investigator, kind of our local Fox Mulder, who contributed a variety of local sightings he'd researched along with his fictional stories.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about how we treat those with fantastic stories like these. Since we weren't there, how can we dispute their claims? As my fellow writer says about those he interviewed, there are claims from normal everyday people that cannot be ignored. Their experiences, while they may not be provable, yet, are definitely extraordinary. As you said, who's to say they don't exist?
Congrats on the Anthology. Let me know. I'd love to feature it on the blog.
DeletePeople are so ready to write off the abnormal to continue with their "normal" lives. I prefer people who seek the abnormal and make it the new norm. hehe :)