Finding Fantasy Friday: Set it in the French Quarter

By Britt Reints. Some Rights Reserved.
For Mother's Day, we decided to spend it in the French Quarter in New Orleans. It's only a little over an hour drive from our home and one of my favorite places in the world.

There is no other city in the world like New Orleans; it's a gem. Growing up near the city, I took for granted how truly great it is.

With the hype from Hollywood in New Orleans, such as Treme, NCIS: New Orleans, and The Vampire Diaries spinoff The Originals, I thought I would write about the fantastical elements in this city.

By Chris Cast. Some Rights Reserved.
Upon arrival, grab a Bloody Mary(whatever your poison), load it into the drink holder of the stroller, and start your trek through the Vieux Carre. Motherly Advice: Have fun, but be responsible, especially when children are involved. 

As you walk through the Quarter, you can't help but cipher through the energy of the area. Down an alley lit by gas lanterns or down a sidewalk where a front door is a foot away, the scenery complements that energy. What a treasure when you stumble across a courtyard tucked between two buildings.

New Orleans, 2011.
By Alex Castro. Some Rights Reserved.

Another great aspect whether on a side street or in Jackson Square, artists are everywhere--musicians, painters, sculpters, and performers. The hidden artists are the writers, but they're everywhere too. Occasionally, you'll see someone sitting under a tree writing in a notebook, sitting on a balcony or at a cafe typing away. It's a great atmosphere and community for artists.


By Dennis Redfield. Some Rights Reserved.
I mean how could you not want to write there. The city is a character in itself. True, it tends to be more a set for horror or thriller. But during the day, it's the perfect accompaniment for a love scene. At night, the spooky sensation lingers everywhere. Whether your characters are vampires, zombies, werewolves, or witches, the setting fits perfectly. It doesn't take much imagination to make these characters come to life in New Orleans. Of course, walking the streets, you may just stumble into these characters for real. 

By Flavio. Some Rights Reserved

So jump on a streetcar and let your imagination take you on a ride.

Lots of <3,

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