All of us grew older with them. We saw the characters go from Movie 1 to Movie 7.

Then, at the end of June, J.K.Rowling released important news, Pottermore. What is it? What will it be? We don’t know. The site will be officially released in October. How perfect. Just in time for Halloween. However, a select few will get to be on it before then, but there are no guarantees or specifics for when that will be. After feeling the loss when the end credits rolled for the final movie, on July 31st we got excited again as we fought to be granted early access to Pottermore.

Because I had to be out of town on the Sunday Pottermore was released and where I was has horrible cell reception and no internet (truly it was caveman), I was disappointed and believed had lost my chance with Pottermore, but on Thursday, August 4. I happened to stumble across the lovely Twitter world that told me I still had a chance.
Following the times given at the Pottermore blog for the Day 5 Pottermore registration, I waited hitting F5 over and over until the Magical question appeared on the website. (If you are American, remember Britain’s time is either 5 hours EST, 6 hours CST, 7 hours MST, or 8 hours PST ahead of us.) I easily knew the answer and went to the instructed website. (For day 5, it was http://quill.pottermore.com/252) It brought me to the sponsor’s page where I had to find the Magical Quill (This day was an ad banner and you had to catch the quill). SUCCESS! I was in, I registered, and saw this:

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